I just watched Beauty and the Beast and it got me thinking about the link between feminism and fairy-tale princesses. Belle is a book-wielding, beast-taming feminist without a doubt, but where do the other princesses from the Disney canon stand on the feminist scale? Mulan and Merida are somewhere in the top echelon with their cross-dressing, crossbow shooting stunts while Cinderella and Aurora are feminist cop-outs. It’s encouraging to see more and more Disney princesses move from damsel in distress to dame that don’t give a damn, showing kids everywhere that girls can be kick ass too. So, I present to you my definitive list of Disney princesses ranked according to their feminist credentials. Extra points for minority maidens such as princesses of colour, LGBT ladies (Elsa I’m looking at you) and red heads. 1. Mulan Mulan doesn’t need a man to save her. In fact, she saves the man and China, too! 2. Tiana Tiana is unique in that she has a real job, even after...
Writing from out of the mind of a somewhat serious, somewhat fun 20-something